Pitchfork Populism

Ten Political Forces That Shaped an Election and
Continue to Change America

Pitchfork Populism

By Author Bradford R. Kane

A veteran political analyst examines the forces that led to the rise of the current form of populism and considers their continuing influence on the future of American politics.What political, social, and cultural forces led to the election of President Donald Trump? Political analyst Bradford R. Kane explores ten dynamics of American politics and society that played a role in the 2016 presidential election and continue to exert an influence on current politics. The author examines both the present impact of the Trump presidency and the future trajectories of the trends that brought Trump to power.Some of these dynamics have deep historical roots, such as the cultural divide between those who define our national identity in terms of rugged individualism versus those who emphasize community collectivism. The author notes that these opposing viewpoints helped craft our national identity as far back as the 1700s. He also considers the effect of changing demographics, such as the trend that points to the emergence of a new majority composed of combined minority groups, which will have a profound effect on community relations and politics.

Author Bradford R. Kane

Bradford R. Kane, the author of Pitchfork Populism, began his career in the US Congress as Legislative Counsel to Congresswoman Cardiss Collins; as Counsel to the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer Protection; and as a member of President Clinton’s Task Force on Health Care Reform.  Read more…

“If you—like all of us—are asking yourself, What the hell is going on in America? then you need to read this book. In it, Bradford Kane has summarized the ten dynamics and trends that are reshaping American politics. Whether you like President Trump or disapprove of him, you will benefit from understanding the forces evolving in our country. Only then can we the people have the wisdom and courage to direct these forces toward a better America.”

—Leon E. Panetta, chairman of the Panetta Institute for Public Policy, former White House Chief of Staff, former Secretary of Defense, and former Director of the CIA

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