
Pitchfork Populism News


The latest from Bradford Kane and news from Pitchfork Populism and much more. Stay tuned for regular new content and sign up to be notified about new posts so you don’t miss anything!

COVID-19 exposes much about us

COVID-19 exposes much about us

COVID-19 has ripped away the veneer that masked American society. Many took refuge behind the glossy façade that all communities are well served by today’s economy, healthcare infrastructure, educational system and social services. But the virus’s tempestuous, tragic...

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Bradford Kane featured on Literary Hill Virtual Bookfest

Bradford Kane featured on Literary Hill Virtual Bookfest

Literary Hill BookfestCelebrating Books and Authors on Capitol Hill—Virtually Bradford Kane was featured in the Literary Hill's first "Virtual Bookfest" Thank you to everyone who attended our Literary Hill BookFest from home, and thank you to the authors, moderators,...

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